Do your most complex thinking 100x faster

Plaido is the platform to access the world's best problem-solving tools

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Use the methods of top consulting firms to supercharge your workflow

Plaido is your personal thought partner that uses GenAI, consulting frameworks, and old-fashioned logic to make solving hard problems, easy

Break down any problem, step-by-step

Cut through ambiguity by generating a rigorous approach to attack any problem

Make better decisions, faster

Evaluate strategic options across multiple dimensions with one click

Strengthen logic, not just language

Ensure every document is your best work, by going from checking grammar to testing logic

Solve your problems, your way

Combine Plaido's tools to create your own frameworks and shape your thinking


The future of knowledge work is here

Plaido is designed to reduce manual work and cognitive load, helping you elevate your thinking

Thinking 'plaiground'

One place to structure problems, conduct analysis, develop outputs, and get work done

'Thought' stencils

Reusable units of thinking with built-in logic and formatting, to save you time and effort

GenAI thought partner

Integrated AI partner with deep problem solving expertise, that knows what good looks like and how to get there

Ready to test out the future?

Plaido helps you solve harder problems, develop higher quality outputs, and deliver projects faster

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